
The Job Interview


Had a fun time visiting Ray Bridgleb creator of The Job Podcast here in Portland. It's always a bit unusual for me to be interviewed, as usually I am the one doing the interview, but Ray was charming and it was an honor to be among some of the talented Portland alumni.

I love it when people reach beyond the typical days work to create something inspirational for themselves.  The Job is just that, an award-winning podcast produced by Needmore Design, featuring interviews with local celebrities and tastemakers. The interview will be live in a few months, we'll keep you posted!

I live here.

I try to explore the outdoors as much as possible. Living in Portland makes it easy. We have the most beautiful landscapes, and I catch myself saying, "Wow" I live here, each time I venture out and I discover something new. Last weekend we did a loop around Mt. Hood and stopped off periodically along the way. One of my favorite spots was heading to Trillium Lake. The last time and only time I was there was by cross country skiing to it. The mountain was not visible and we actually skied over the lake. It was beautiful, but not as striking as seeing it on a crisp fall day in the reflection of the still lake. Wow, I live here.